Friday, June 22, 2012

   Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

I feel that it is important to post this type of information as often as possible. I unfortunately, despite all my animal knowledge lost two beloved cats to this disease. I am NOT posting this to create a panic for cat owners! I am simply trying to make cat owners aware of the signs and symptoms of this killer disease so they don't lose their pet. This information, as with ALL information like this that I post is based on information provided to me by a vetrinarian. Please read this post, learn the signs and save you pet. This disease is common and KILLS QUICKLY!
    This Disease is very common in cats and if warning signs are not headed and treated, it can lead to kidney failure, and death. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease or FLUTD (formerly known as FUS or Feline Urologic Syndrome) can present itself in many different conditions.
These conditions can include Inflamation of the bladder due to injury, or infection, or crystals/stones. Another cause is partial or total obstruction, or blockages of urinary tubes. These blockages can be caused by diet, crystals, or Mucus and blood clot plugs.
    This problem affects both male and female cats, however males are more likely, due to their longer and more narrow tubes (bladder to penis). 

    Key signs that may indicate you pet is suffering from this condition:
1. Increase in thirst
2. Frequent trips to litter box with little or no output, (maybe even blood in urine).
3.Not urinating at all or in undesired locations.
4. Distended bladder, Feel in hip area between legs, if hard ball or pet is sensitive to touch in this area RUSH TO VET!
5. Hiding, and howling cries*
 *later stages RUSH TO VET! 

 If a blockage is in fact causing the problem and your cat shows any or all signs PLEASE rush to vet. The longer you pet's urinary tract is blocked the more toxins build up in the blood stream. This can lead to kidney failure and The death in just 3 days!
I cannot stress this enough. This quick onsetting disease DOES Kill! And it kills quickly. It is very important that we as pet owners notice even the slightest changes in our pets behavior. PLEASE share this to every cat owner you know!!!!

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